Weather for Ashbourne, Clayton Bay, Currency Creek, Goolwa, Hindmarsh Island, Langhorne Creek, Middleton, Milang, Mount Compass, Port Elliot and Strathalbyn.
Alexandrina Weather, Wind, Rain, Sun and UV Readings
How to view the Weather:
- You can select Goolwa or Ashbourne, Clayton Bay, Currency Creek, Hindmarsh Island, Langhorne Creek, Middleton, Milang, Mount Compass, Port Elliot or Strathalbyn
from the Drop-down at the top of the Weather Widget.
- You can view:
- Local Weather Information and Forecast
- Wind Speed and Direction
- Daily Rainfall and Predictions
- Sunrise, Sunset and Position
- Current and forecast UV Readings
By clicking Buttons near the top of the Weather Widget.
- You can view
- Weather Warnings
- Weather Radar
- Satellite Weather Display
- Synoptic Weather Chart
By clicking the buttons near the bottom of the Weather Widget.
These take you directly to the WillyWeather Website.