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Ginger Blue B & B

Ginger Blue B & B
12 Newacott Lane
Goolwa SA
Australia 5214

Phone 08 8267 4992
Cellular 0422981831
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Fax 8267 4882

Accommodation - Bed & Breakfast Category

Luxurious, Romantic Self-Contained Retreat.

If you have never experienced romance, history, a river port, steam trains, wineries, Coorong Cruises, whales or the vast beauty of the Fleurieu Peninsula…then these amazing French Provincial hideaways filled with an abundance of gourmet breakfast provisions are for you!

Ginger Blue B&B, Studio 12 Newacott Lane, Goolwa S.A. 5214

Nearby Service areas are: Currency Creek, Goolwa Beach, Goolwa North, Goolwa South, Hindmarsh Island, Mosquito Hill, Mundoo Island